1. Hey Wassup? Howzz life?? I am chillin... how ya doin - as if speaking broken English signifies how cool you are.
2. Using Dude/F**K /Bro and other random jargon in every sentence.
3. Listening to "Honey Singh" even when you don't understand Punjabi and then even claim "good taste" in music. (forgivable)
4. Buying an SLR camera, create a photography page and watermark the images and claim themselves to be photographers, even when they have no knowledge about Photography.
Clicking photographs is so, so, so annoying. It's like people go to a place just to take high quality photographs so that they can store them on their computers [may to Upload it on Facebook], instead of enjoying it with everyone which will give much better memories.
6. Watching MTV roadies and stupid TV soaps which are awful to describe.
7. Fighting with parents for buying an expensive smartphone, so that he/she can boast the same within his/her friend circle.
8. Buying expensive branded clothes, thinking that it sets them apart.
9. Starbucks, McDonald, Pizza hut every weekend to show off.
10. Not spending time learning and creating but proving the society and everyone their so called "Myths".
11. Comparing their life with IIT and IIM graduates, thinking that they are lucky, and that they have no sorrows and their life is all set.
12, Trying to win a boyfriend or girlfriend (not love) and putting all their energy into it, as if their survival depends on it.
In a random party, some random guy with his girlfriend comes up and says - "Hey, where is your GF?". I said - "I don't have one". The look on his face as if I am a criminal / alien and that he is so sorry for me
13. You are boring if you don't smoke or drink or have never tried drugs or never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. How do you guys have fun in life? They don't understand that some people don't need these things to make themselves interesting. According to them you are not 'man enough' to do this.
14. Support any Political party blindly without taking the pain to go through facts and figures.
15. And the most irritating of all. . .Chatting/playing on the mobile when surrounded by all friends and in public functions as if he/she is too busy to enjoy the present occassion.
16. And the heights of all, applying Body deo's & strong perfumes just like the models in Axe - adds making it a adventurous to sit beside them(not all but most)
17. Best Books - By chetan Bhagat only
18. Best Youth - Possible only if one has Girlfriend / Bf
19. Smoking and Drinking as a means to show off manliness.
20.Making movies like Chennai Express a hit. (This sin is unforgivable).