How To Add The Recycle Bin To The Taskbar In Windows 7

When you’re busy multi-tasking on your PC, sometimes getting to the Recycle Bin can a pain. So let’s take a look at a couple of different methods for adding the Recycle Bin to your Taskbar for easier access.

STEP 1: The first thing you want to do is create a new shortcut on the desktop.

STEP 2: Now for the location type in or copy and paste the following:
explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder
It should look like this…then click the Next button.

STEP 4: Now name it Recycle Bin or whatever you wish to call it and click Finish.

STEP 5: Now we need to change the icon to the look of the Recycle Bin so right-click the icon and go to Properties. Click on the Change Icon button.

STEP 6: Type or copy and paste the following into the field for where to look for icons and hit Enter.

In the new window of icons just scroll over a bit and find the Recycle Bin select it and click Ok. Click on Apply and Ok to close out of the Recycle Bin Properties screen.

STEP 7: you’ll now have your new Recycle Bin shortcut. You can both drag it to your Taskbar or right-click and select Pin to Taskbar.

There you go! Now you have the Recycle Bin on the Taskbar, and if you want to remove it just unpin it.

This gives you another way to quickly access the Recycle Bin while you are busy multi-tasking. Also, you will probably want to remove the shortcut you made on the desktop. With this method you can’t drag items directly to the icon on the Taskbar, but it let’s you open up the bin.

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