What is the latest Craze among Indian girls?

  1. Adding an extra photoshopped picture on FB and thanking the person for clicking the 

2. pic - thus urging us to think that the pic is worth showing gratitude for!

3. Putting up status messages like "I don't have an attitude problem. I have an attitude 

and you have a problem with that", "I'm what I'm. I'm not born on this earth to please 

you" trying to prove that they have an aggressive attitude.

4. Liking each and every comment made on their pic, even the ones like 'Where is this pic 

taken', 'Whoz that beside you'.

5. Getting photo shoots done for an FB profile picture. (I'm serious!)

6.  Saying 'Awww! I love you' to every human being around them for everylittle reason.

7. Using irritating shortcuts like ua, luf etc.

8. Wishing Mother's Day, Father's Day, Brother's Day, Sister's Day on FB though the 

concerned people are very much beside them.

9. Buying expensive smart phones though they generally don't use it much other than 

for clicking pictures.

10. Whatsapping 24*7.

11. Checking into every single place they go.

12. English with a ridiculously skewed British or  American accent. Some even pretend to 

not understand Hindi at times . 

13. Self obsession. Enough said. 

14. Shittiest vocabulary of all times. Words like " mah, mee, sowiiee, uh, ua" fall under this 


15. Let's get ready to go to a place, so that we can click "pichhaas" and post in on 


Seriously, girls! get a life. 

16. Trying to imbibe this strong independent woman attitude via. numerous status 

messages and captions but when it actually comes to it using your dad's credit card and 

surviving on your boyfriend's income is what it is.

17. Picture Credits. Some are not even worth crediting for! 

18. Duck faces. Kill me now . 

29. Kissing each other or trying to do so in every other picture. >.<

20.Pretending to know stuff they really don't and trying to pull it off. Well, this is just 

hilarious :D

21. Leave comments thanking every individual who liked and commented the pic.

22. Reading love story books of Nikita Singh, Durjoy Datta, Ravinder Singh, and calling themselves as voracious reader.

23. Using 'awww' in everything and blabbering unnecessarily in English.

24.  Using too many smileys and flooding the post. Replying their girl friends (whenever 

they receive a compliment from them) with a muah :* or love you babe/hun/sweety.

25. Using Muah, Baby, Darling with other girls.

Girl 1 - You look so gorgeous BABY, love ya muah muah muah, 

Girl 2 - Awww, Thank you Darling, love u too muah, muah, muah.

Girl 1 - You are always welcome BABE, loads of hugs and Kisses. :) :) :) MUah

It's a fight who will post more muahs. In general I have not seen Indian girls exchanging 

kisses when they meet. It's a style symbol of dumbness, to show they belong to a sorority.

P.S. : No backfires please. Hypocrisy is the in thing too, you know ! :P

26.  Posting on other girl's timeline about the food they had, or places they visited and 

sometimes about their intense feeling of love or unbreakable friendship

4) When she gets a new boyfriend...

5) After a break up...

No offense whatsoever intended.

Putting whatsapp statuses according to their relationship status.

In a language close to English , e.g.

1. Missin yew :(

2. Smtyms its ohkay to be lonely :'(
3. Uhh can't break mah heart </3
4. I'm gonna wait for uhh :| 
5. Col me puh leez ;(
& so on

-- They remove their DP to exhibit that they just had one of those short 

lived breakups

-- Sometimes the status points to an insider story that nobody knows about

1. Crazy nyt yday :p
2. Thankaa lub <3 <3 (this is beyond comprehension)
3. Sry :'( I messed up
4. OMG :* :* :* thankooo

Posting pictures of themselves with their "besties" on Facebook and putting up captions like, "You're the dumbest/most irritating/stupidest person I know, but I still love you".

Not all, but most of the get together endings with status on FB something like this:

awwww!!!♥  today had loaadsss of fun with nisha,isha, misha & gusha ♥♥...also stay at dundu's house wass awesumm...thnk u shoo muchh dundu :))) u r shoo shweet !! cant frget u guyyysss...  and tuttuu ...will missh u shoo muchh :(( :(( ...hugss.(other blah blahs) ♥♥ !!

Disclaimer:  No offence meant for Nisha, Isha, Misha, Gusha, Dundu, Tuttu etc.

The answer pertains to social media and related quirks, this is no way generalizing the aforementioned to 'all'  of the Indian girls, definitely all Indian girls are not like this, we are just having fun on account of the chunk that practice this.

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